LabEx COTE 5th Summer School: "Weak signals and emerging issues in ecological transition"

From 03/07/2017 to 07/07/2017 | Bordeaux, France

Join the 2017 COTE Summer School and engage in highly interactive exchanges with experts on integrative ecology!

The ecological transitions are not straightforward paths where well-known problems have to be addressed. Climate-induced ecological changes as well as changes in consumption patterns have led to emerging issues. They may often manifest before full development as weak signals, remaining largely ignored by scientists and managers due to specific path-dependency metrological choices (involving different spatial and temporal scales), but revealing important trends. Moreover, it is often difficult to distinguish them statistically from ambient noise, or from random fluctuations of well-known signals. The scientific expertise of such emerging issues requires new diagnostic tools. Whistleblowers are the social actors involved in raising awareness of emerging issues to push them to the fore of the collective action.

The COTE Summer School will combine conferencesfield trips and round tables with distinguished international scientists. These meetings are excellent opportunities for PhD students to interact with specialists in the field.

Applications is now closed

More information on the summer school Web pages


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