Introduction to Next-Generation Sequencing: Applications in Ecology and Evolution. IV Edition

From 01/07/2019 to 05/07/2019 | Vicalvaro, Madrid

Contact Alfredo García Fernández  

The course is aimed at graduates – postgraduates and PhD students on Evolutionary Biology and related sciences, interested in knowing the new tools and the potential that is being developed with the new techniques of massive parallel sequencing. Postdocs and senior researchers interested in apply NGS to new projects are also welcome. No specific training in bioinformatics is necessary.

The main objective of this course is to show a battery of potential applications of the NGS by researchers who are currently working with this technological approach. As an introductory course, the main purpose is not looking for a complex or deep training in a specific technique, but to give a broad view of the available approaches.

The assistant to this course should end with the feeling of knowing the techniques and their applications, with the purpose of being able to assess which ones may be interesting for their research or on which to deepen in later stages.

The specific objectives are:

1. To present an updated information on the different NGS techniques and their applications, potential and complexity

2. To provide basic training in the main software for each of the techniques, as well as in data processing, and give tips on how to expand knowledge. This includes from the quality analysis, edition and analysis of the files to the interpretation of results. We aim that, with this basic knowledge, the student can be trained later if he is interested in a specific aspect of the ones addressed (for example, attending specialized courses or self-taught).

3. To favour the contact between students interested in specific techniques with teachers and specialized personnel, for possible collaborations or training.

For registration and more information, please click here



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