Symposium: Future PhDs for Future Forests
(Scientific Events)

From 28/09/2022 to 30/09/2022 | Göttingen, Germany

A Symposium from PhD students of University of Göttingen for PhDs students in the field of forest genetics and molecular ecology will take place in Göttingen between 28th and 30th September 2022.

The symposium will include four thematic sessions in the field of forest genetics and molecular ecology, and on the last day we are planning an excursion to the Hainich NationalPark to visit the Biodiversity Exploratories experimental sites. The primary focus of the symposium is to promote and encourage PhD students to share and discuss their work. Often it can be intimidating presenting in big conferences during the early stages of a PhD, either because they seem to be rather for established researchers, or because in the initial phase of a PhD the big conclusions and final results are still lacking. We encourage PhD students at any stage of their PhD to participate, submit an abstract, present their topics and engage in discussions. We are also happy that four excellent keynote speakers have kindly accepted our invitation: Prof. Dr. Scholten (University of Göttingen), Dr. Natascha Wagner (University of Göttingen), Dr. Deborah Leigh (WSL), Dr. Niels Müller (Thünen-Institute) will hold the keynote lectures.

For further info:

The symposium is supported by EVOLTREE. Grants in the amount up to 600 EUR are available to cover costs of travel and accommodation: one grant per EVOLTREE partner lab. More information is available under training reimbursement.

Flyer (pdf)


Dr Katharina B. Budde
on behalf of the organizing committee
Email: k.budde(add)

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