Punkaharju - Punkaharju


Country: Finland
Lat/Lon: 029°19' E/61°48' N
Elevation: 90m
Total Area: 1.100ha


Climate: Boreal
Ecosystem: untouched / intensively managed
Model & Target Tree Species: Abies, Acer, Alnus, Betula, Larix, Picea, Pinus, Populus, Prunus, Quercus, Salix, Sorbus, Tilia

Legal status
Ownership: public
Partner: Luke - Luke - Natural Resources Institute Finland
Protection: includes nature reserve / gene conservation units (P. sylvestris, A; platanoides, T. cordata)
Relation to other networks:

was part of the ICP-Forests Level 2 monitoring network (historic data available).

Description and scientific value

In the area of the ISS Punkaharju is formed by the Punkaharju research area of Luke, which is presently managed from the Savonlinna location of Luke. In the area many experiments have been established since the beginning of the last century. The focus of the research is forest genetics and forest tree breeding. This means that most of the experiments are common garden trials or progeny trials, but also experiments on forest management and fertilisation can be found. The area has also a long tradition of trials with exotic tree species from regions all over the world with similar climatic conditions. The history and results of all trials are very well documented and also environmental data is available.

Several trials have also been included in other international projects or networks, such as the ICP Forests Level 2 monitoring network, the EU projects B4EST, Trees4Future, GenTree, FORGENIUS, etc. The area also covers 3 Forest genetic Conservation Units and 2 collections of the EUFORGEN network.

Well trained staff and modern equipment is available from the Savonlinna location to establish, measure and/or sample trials. Most of the area is easy to access, but for a few sites a boat is needed.


Egbert Beuker
Senior Scientist

Natural Resources Institute Finland
Production Systems
Vipusenkuja 5

Tel. +358 29 532 4223
Email: egbert.beuker[at]luke.fi


Related file
credit: 360Finland
Oak stand (Erkki Oksanen/Luke)
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